I understand that if you hold any event where you 'solicit' funds for a 'charitible' cause, you must have permission from the Charities commission, and that usually means that a good percentage of those funds will go directly to the charities commission !
For a private event, you are not allowed to 'ask' for donations of any kind. However, if you are granted permission, it may be within certain guidelines given by the commission.
Otherwise, if you hold a regular event in one of the hotels or halls, and call it 'Pink' then it will be just like any other evening/daytime meeting ran by any company or private individual, at which folks simply purchase a ticket for said event, and then you can keep the profits to do as you wish - if there are any.
If the grass is greener on the other side, its sure the water bill is higher !
I understand that if you hold any event where you 'solicit' funds for a 'charitible' cause, you must have permission from the Charities commission, and that usually means that a good percentage of those funds will go directly to the charities commission !
For a private event, you are not allowed to 'ask' for donations of any kind. However, if you are granted permission, it may be within certain guidelines given by the commission.
Otherwise, if you hold a regular event in one of the hotels or halls, and call it 'Pink' then it will be just like any other evening/daytime meeting ran by any company or private individual, at which folks simply purchase a ticket for said event, and then you can keep the profits to do as you wish - if there are any.
If the grass is greener on the other side, its sure the water bill is higher !