Rayyz, You have put me in a difficult situation by asking me to explain quite difficult questions, but still I would try to, as this is the only way we can deal with them... I remember a lecture by Bilal Philip where he argues the same question, he said "I say I got this knowledge from my parents who got it from theirs"...But there is no guarantee that my fathers father knowledge was right, unless he got his knowledge from Allah and his rasool...

Therefore, being born in any religion is not anybody's fault...the fault is although God sent him with a superior brain, he did not use it to get to the correct path. The onus to find the right path lies on you and nobody else. You dont wait for ppl to travel to u and convince you that Allah is one... You have to find out...

Regarding your questions on ppl who died before Islam or christaianity.. it s very clear in islam, those who agreed with the Prophets of their time and did not reject any other prophet were all muslims.... therefore, a person beliveing in Moses died before Jesus was a Muslim, A person who believed in Jesus before Mohammad was Muslim. Its only after the first person failed to believe in Jesus and only believed in Moses that he unbelieved and similarly afterwards

.....You can't mean what you say unless you can say what you mean...