God will be Exsisted automaticall to all Mankind, when we start denouncing terrorist, one can not find and see God, if someway he/we/they supports terrorism, either, financialy, morally, by voting and electing them, or anyotherway, it's mean we/he/they can not find the exsistence of GOD, Because God created this univers, BALANCED, and Peaceful for all the creatures on this planet
God will be Exsisted automaticall to all Mankind, when we start denouncing terrorist, one can not find and see God, if someway he/we/they supports terrorism, either, financialy, morally, by voting and electing them, or anyotherway, it's mean we/he/they can not find the exsistence of GOD, Because God created this univers, BALANCED, and Peaceful for all the creatures on this planet