Someone Pls advise me where i was wrong? SKDKAK.. Pls Tell me Y U think that I'm wrong;
About knowledge in Animals... Just name any Animal, Goat, Cow, Sheep, Lion, Fox, Fish, Hen (Chicken), Birds, Fly, Raptiles... any other species u name here... Not all, but Most of them When the were born on a VARY FIRT DAY, They Born with the Knowledge of their parents, Friends, Familes, Values, atmosphere in which they supose to live, they knows about their enemies and tactics to protect theirselves form them, They have born With the Knowledge what to Eat and Where to go and to whom they should follow, they born powerful enough to walk, talk, see, smell, eat, etc... whereas OUR (Human) Babies when they born, they are so weak, powerless, Un-Educted, Eat and Drinks whatever goes into their mouth, dependent on others, and Powerless so powerless that they couldn't able to turn theirselves.... Hope U don't need any more exmples....
Someone Pls advise me where i was wrong? SKDKAK.. Pls Tell me Y U think that I'm wrong;
About knowledge in Animals... Just name any Animal, Goat, Cow, Sheep, Lion, Fox, Fish, Hen (Chicken), Birds, Fly, Raptiles... any other species u name here... Not all, but Most of them When the were born on a VARY FIRT DAY, They Born with the Knowledge of their parents, Friends, Familes, Values, atmosphere in which they supose to live, they knows about their enemies and tactics to protect theirselves form them, They have born With the Knowledge what to Eat and Where to go and to whom they should follow, they born powerful enough to walk, talk, see, smell, eat, etc... whereas OUR (Human) Babies when they born, they are so weak, powerless, Un-Educted, Eat and Drinks whatever goes into their mouth, dependent on others, and Powerless so powerless that they couldn't able to turn theirselves.... Hope U don't need any more exmples....