You cud try calling Ms. Nora at +974 5335439 or +974 5468644. She has some sharing flats in Al Saad and Binomran Area. If your work is in this place, you could contact her.
Also, I have a sharing flat in Umm Ghuwalina area near airport. Again, if your work is within this area, you can email me at [email protected]. I have one room for 2200k rial. 5 room Flat is not crowded. Only 6 people now, all professionals.
You cud try calling Ms. Nora at +974 5335439 or +974 5468644. She has some sharing flats in Al Saad and Binomran Area. If your work is in this place, you could contact her.
Also, I have a sharing flat in Umm Ghuwalina area near airport. Again, if your work is within this area, you can email me at [email protected]. I have one room for 2200k rial. 5 room Flat is not crowded. Only 6 people now, all professionals.