Contact Qatar Pet Relocators as they will be able to help you with bringing them over although between June & September they will not accept any animals coming on daytime flights. They will need to travel on night flights as with all the best will in the world, there will be a period either side of the flight where they are on the tarmac (loading & unloadig).

The easiest (and cheapest) way to bring them is as accompanied baggage where you would check them in with your luggage. They would travel in the cargo hold and then be brought out to you whilst you are claiming your luggage in Doha.

You don't mention what breed of cats they are, but if they are any mix of persian (or anything with a flat face) they will not be accepted on Qatar Airways or Emirates.

Go to and fill in the online enquiry and they will get back to you within 48 hours with an import information pack which details everything needed to bring animals into Qatar, the various ways of bringing them and all the costs involved.

The good thing about Qatar Pet Relocators is that there are no hidden charges, they won't con you into doing un-necessary paperwork or vet treatments and they will always advise on the best route based on the welfare of the animals.