Protect from sun's heat
Most imperative part is to avoid or protect oneself from direct heat of sun, wear a cap or hat with big beam on both the sides in order to protect face and neck. Wear always light coloured head gear.

Drink plenty of water
Due to excessive perspiration one gets dehydrated in summer, hence to keep the water level in the body intact, you are required to drink sufficient water. It becomes even more important when you lose salts from the body. Always add small amount of salt and consume it.

Eat raw Onions
In summer consummation of raw onions is excellent plan and a superior practice. Onions helps in prevention of sun strokes.

Consummation of Oranges, Water melon, Pineapples
The deficiency of fluids is a common phenomenon in summer, which can be supplemented by in take of citrus fruits like Oranges, Pineapples and water melon. These fruits are rich in Vitamin C and have pulp which is full of fluids. Never be a miser in taking such fruits in summer.

Sugarcane Juice
Sugar cane juice also a good idea in summer, to supplement the lost fluids.

Advice to wear light coloured dress
Always wear light coloured dress, preferable with half sleeves and loose fit for cooling sensation. White cotton dress is most intelligent choice in summer times. Make it a practice to dress light coloured costumes, which helps in reflecting sun's rays, thus preventing harmful effect by the sun.