Dear friend, You dont have to cancell tourist visas. They will transfer automatically. Just you have to do, 1st medical, then you have to check in thier website, the statuts. And when the satus will finish, they will automatically issue the form for you in the same page. You have to fill the same form (be sure after medical and before filling the same form, you have to do blood chck only for your wife. No need for childerens, because there is no finger printing for childerens. Even in the medical, just your wife have to go though the medical check-up and for your childeren, just you have to pay the fees which is Qr. 100 for each person, either for your wife or for your childeren), and then print the same and with it go to any typist and ask for the filling the form for residense visa. Just give to him, passports and the same printed paper. And after filling the same, take the form, your form and paaport, go to the finger printing with your wife only. No need childeren there.Without pay, they will do the fingerprint for you wife.And then go to the emmigration with fingerprint repor of your wife and medical reports of your wife and childerens and at the last all of their passport. Their you have to pay approximately Qr. 250/- for each person(approximately i mentioned because, this rate was before half year, so i dont know exactly todays rate).


So this all will cost you maximum Qr.1500. I hope this all information will be supportive information for you. Any help need more, you can contact me on my e-mail which is [email protected].


This all i know because, this all happend on me.


good luck