Doha Golf Club is full of complete tossers, and here's why:-


I took my boss for dinner there the other day, (even checked to see non-members allowed to use the restaurant), both of us were dressed in what I believe is referred to as 'smart casual'. Anyway we were sat down and had ordered when an embarrassed security guy comes up and informs us that he has had a complaint that we are not dressed correctly as my colleague was wearing jeans and that we must go down to the other bar for our food. Fair enough I think, if thats the rules, until I saw who had made the complaint, four obesse, sweaty yanks, dressed in what can only be described as the most ridiculous golf kit ever made, (imagine Del-boy meets Fat Camp with Lycra).

I can only guess they must have been upset because they had to walk from thier buggies to the bar as the club dosn't have a 'drive-thru'.


"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"