I have a servant in my house who is quite comfortable with us and does not complain even though sometimes she has a big work load. WE RESPECT HER AS MEMBER OF OUR FAMILY BECAUSE SHE IS HARDWORKING AND HONEST, and not planning to go and "complain" to someone outside the house.
If you go to your embassy they are supposed to report about you to the sponsor. Some months spend in a jail guaranteed.
I have a servant in my house who is quite comfortable with us and does not complain even though sometimes she has a big work load. WE RESPECT HER AS MEMBER OF OUR FAMILY BECAUSE SHE IS HARDWORKING AND HONEST, and not planning to go and "complain" to someone outside the house.
If you go to your embassy they are supposed to report about you to the sponsor. Some months spend in a jail guaranteed.
Best of luck in your career.