Prostitutes are better than beggers that can work and earn but instead
choose begging. But then both of them are sinful. No relegion says to have
sex for getting money. There are alternates. Allah has said in Quran, if we
believe in him, we wont be found at the bottom. If we have enough faith in
our God then he will show us the way and guide us to money that comes
clean and not by doing sin. People who use prostitution as an excuse of their
earnings are shameless people, in the eyes of a society, in the eyes of God
and in everyone's eyes.
Allah has said: "Ask and you shall recieve". So indeed there is something
wrong with these people, cuz God is definetly not a lier.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
Prostitutes are better than beggers that can work and earn but instead
choose begging. But then both of them are sinful. No relegion says to have
sex for getting money. There are alternates. Allah has said in Quran, if we
believe in him, we wont be found at the bottom. If we have enough faith in
our God then he will show us the way and guide us to money that comes
clean and not by doing sin. People who use prostitution as an excuse of their
earnings are shameless people, in the eyes of a society, in the eyes of God
and in everyone's eyes.
Allah has said: "Ask and you shall recieve". So indeed there is something
wrong with these people, cuz God is definetly not a lier.
It's always the small things that make big differences.