Well prostitution has the same economics as other things, Demands vs Supply. you will see peostitution everywhere. its a need for men who cant satisfy them selves


for example here the marriage is such an expensive thing, plus people think otherwise like to get some status , some qualification etc . so basically there need for satisfaction increases and they always look for cheaper ways.


2ndly in some parts 2nd,3rd and 4th marriage is considered not good. but if someone sexual need is not fullfilled by her wife let him marry one girl may be she can satisfy her need or 3rd or 4th one.


By eliminating both factors you can control a bit on prostitution , like marrying a boy of age 17 and let him marry again if his need are not satisfied. you can curb on prostitution


when there is no demand , there will be no prostitutes. and all you married woman dress up and do make up for your husbands when he reaches home , he will never try to goto some place else


Take care , just a thought