Anybody that believes the moon landings were faked is quite frankly, a simpleton.  There's an excellent National Geographic documentary that debunks all the nonsense spouted by the conspiracy theorists, including anything that is in the video you posted, I'm sure.

But here's three things to consider:

- To fake the moon landings would have needed hundreds of people to be involved, perhaps thousands.  Yet not one person has since come forward and said 'Guess what, it was all a scam', despite the millions that would be on offer for selling their story.

- Arch enemies of the USA like Russia and China would have been telling the world had their own tracking systems revealed no American Spacecraft went to the moon.

- There is a mirror placed on the moon which bounces a laser back to earth to measure the distance from the moon to the earth.  If nobody landed on the moon, who put it there?