Ah, the days of the Raj; Britain in all her might, pillaging, plundering and raping her way mercilessly across the known world.

We were great then. Great writers. Great leaders. Cutting a swathe through centuries of civilization in scarlet tunic and bad teeth, galloping hither and thither collecting the Queen's (or King's) taxes, persuading all nations to bow to our our monarch with the gentle application of terror .......

And what now of that greatness?

Our Royal palaces are home to carousers, philanderers and adulterers.
We have nations all over the world who have ruined our once great language with bad pronunciation and something called (by the great philanthropist and former head bummer at Microsoft) "US English".
We have asylum seekers.
We have the dole.
We have crap weather.
Uncontrollable youth.
Drugs and teenage pregnancy up the ying-yang.
And we have a "Gordon" running the country.

And still - with all of the above - we have teeming hordes of people who want to come to our small, insignificant, dreary, wet island and live there under the umbrella of the Department Of Health and Social Services (DHSS).

Don't you think we are suffering enough?


"I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places". - Henny Youngman