Abu American

I think you need to back up a bit and look at what you have written in the past and now. In your post about Amjad made it plainly clear that he was on a pedestal with regards to the scholars feeling over him. And when I criticised the brother who gives talks all around the world for not sorting out his own back yard and bad manners you did not like to hear this. Something that needs to be known if we are to listen and ask the brother advice considering he is giving lectures all over the world and has access to the scholars including translating their books!

Now you say that I have made a fatwa. No I have stated that their is a difference of opinion on this matter. I have never supported any misguided scholars in that nor have I supported fatiq or anyone else in the process. Rather I have stated my own concerns with fatwas that are not properly explained and hardly make sense. The fatwas are not well rounded nor do they explain the situation clearly!

It is common to use certain statements of Allah and hadith to prove a persons point. Many scholars have been known to do this with other scholars contesting their conclusion saying that they are leaving other well known and authentic hadith out of the whole picture. Wearing the niqab is a very good example of this type of extremism.

Last but not least this distancing problem is one of the reasons I cannot take salafis seriously anymore. And why I demand a multitude of proof and evidence to support their claims. As they have proven to me to be judgemental and leave the people easily for no reason other then a simple statement! They do not try to correct the person if they are wrong in a good way and they tend to listen to gossip and judge too fast. Particularly ones such as yourself who do little to provide clear well rounded evidence.

I find it strange that it has only been on this website that I have ever said anything to upset a salafi before and yet they have distanced themselves from me for a number of years without knowing me or ever talking to me! Distancing themselves from my husband without ever letting us know their reasons which I highly suspect is due to gheebah from a brother who is not what your group may think he is. It is funny that after all that my husband and I are dubious of any fatwas from your circle and yet we are still here striving not to mix with any other misguided people in terms of religious knowledge.

If I have made mistakes then they are from me and if I am right then they are from Allah. May Allah distance you from the people you distance yourself from and grant us better more pious friends who will strengthen our eeman and guide us both to the right path so we may both see each other in jannah. InshAllah alahumma ameen.

TAke care Abu American
Asalaamu Alaikum rahmantullah wa barakatahu

Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi