Why are you surprised to find that the BBC is truthful? In my humble opinion it is the least biased and most accurate news agency in the world. It is not perfect but it is independent and is not a government news agency. Every successive British Government complains about the BBC and claims it is biased against them. That is the sign of a good independent news service. The BBC is funded by British tax payers but it is a corporation owned by the people and not by the government.

Russian news sources on the other hand are just crap organs of the state and unless they are pro Putin they get closed down and their owners put in prison. You are very stupid if you trust Russian sources. Better to trust the BBC.

By the way, I do know a little about Russia. I lived there for two years and generally liked the place and the people. But I would say that Russians are even more gullible than Americans. At least we know our government is crap and our President is a madman. On the other hand you guys seem to think that Putin is a great hero and that Russia is always in the right.

Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about