Does that mean that you will not get the 2500? That means your total salary is about 7500. Definitely not bad, because housing would have been your biggest cost and I've seen some of the accomodations for Qatar Airways and they are not bad at all. You could actually look at is as if you are earning a tad more because your quality of life in accomodations is a bit better than you could afford outside. Living in accomodations means rules, though. At first, they may not seem intrusive, but they can be. No alcohol. No male guests past 10pm. Cameras for your "security" that may or may not track your movements, too. :)

But what about a vehicle? If you buy, you'll have debt. If you take a taxi daily, that will add up, too. As an "analyst" you may have a vehicle that comes to your accomodation every day and night so you can hitch rides. If not, that 600QR/month will definitely be needed.

Anyway...Qatar life can be really fun and as long as you watch your money, you'll enjoy the experience!