So Coelacanth and Platao, since one of you claim that you have ability to talk to spirits...Then why don't you ask them about heaven and hell. And can you ask them where they are now?

Coelacanth, please be informed that Almighty will not pardon one who killed innocent people. It is very clearly stated in the Holy Qur'an. One more thing, the one who kill himself won't reach near to the heaven. So we don't think that the people who become suicide bombers and kills thousands of innocents will reach to heaven because of he claims to be Muslim. Muslim means who believes one and only Almighty and His Messengers, His Holy Books and who live a life according to the teachings and the path shown to him. I am not authorized to tell the future of people from other faith. But one thing is sure, He will not pardon the one who did SHIRK(accompany the Almighty with other so called Gods).

So you said that Platao has asked about the existence of God and confirmed through spirits. Did he seen spirits? How he confirm that the spirit has had chat with him. And even if he sure about the spirit, how he know the spirit is telling the truth???? I can't reason it. Please explain according to your theory.

I did not get the answer for my question. Here I feel that sister fatima claimed in her posts are very true. Most of the questions are unanswered or ignored. Why?

being a muslim, I am not confused at all. I already told why I asked that questions... I don't know whether there is a problem on diest to understand simple things?
Or you people are pretend that u did not understand the questions properly becuase of difficulty in answering....