I agree with ex-pat breastfeeding is best but even with support for some mums and babies its not that easy. I breast fed two babies with a lot of hard work and support. my first one didnt take to it even with, he couldnt latch on properly even with the hospital support and attending two breast feeding courses where the nurses couldnt find a reason why he wouldnt latch on and i was told by them its ok as some babies dont take to it despite all the support you get. In the end i found a compromise and used a nipple shield for 7 months until he stopped wanting the breast all together. My second one didnt have problems breasfeeding at all. I just think in the past breastfeeding was discouraged and favoured with bottle feeding and these days theres a push for breasfeeding (which is a good thing), however for mothers who get mastitis and struggling with it all, are made to feel guilty for not breastfeeding.
In the end it should be a descision based on what the mother and baby feels comfortable with and what works for both of them.