Alexa i dont believe that this war is as simple as that,even so, it doesnt justify all the killings that are occuring. been watching the news all day and the endless amounts of children and innocent people getting killed, infact families, one by one slaughtered as if they are sheep. They have destructed Gaza and the amount of public and private places they have bombed and targeted, if there was this much weaopons hidden as they suspected, hell Hamas would have enough to destruct all of Israel. You know both sides can kill each other till the cows come home for all i care, but why all these innocent people, they are both terrosit organisations in my book as bad as each other, sacrficing human lives(both sides) for their own political agendas.
I just cant see how people can see the daily killings of innocent people, especially children and condone this. Kids body pieces scattered and the injured ones in hospital who dont have a chance of surivial. Who know who may be next, this could happen to any of us one day..we shouldnt let propoganda on both sides desensitize us to the human sufferering, that is occuring.
Eco-savy, thats an interesting article written by a jew, at least it wasnt written by a muslim otherwise it would be considered bias.
Timtan, i asked you not to address me in any of the postings, say what you want thats fine, i dont really care about your opinion but do not address it to me.
Alexa i dont believe that this war is as simple as that,even so, it doesnt justify all the killings that are occuring. been watching the news all day and the endless amounts of children and innocent people getting killed, infact families, one by one slaughtered as if they are sheep. They have destructed Gaza and the amount of public and private places they have bombed and targeted, if there was this much weaopons hidden as they suspected, hell Hamas would have enough to destruct all of Israel. You know both sides can kill each other till the cows come home for all i care, but why all these innocent people, they are both terrosit organisations in my book as bad as each other, sacrficing human lives(both sides) for their own political agendas.
I just cant see how people can see the daily killings of innocent people, especially children and condone this. Kids body pieces scattered and the injured ones in hospital who dont have a chance of surivial. Who know who may be next, this could happen to any of us one day..we shouldnt let propoganda on both sides desensitize us to the human sufferering, that is occuring.
Eco-savy, thats an interesting article written by a jew, at least it wasnt written by a muslim otherwise it would be considered bias.
Timtan, i asked you not to address me in any of the postings, say what you want thats fine, i dont really care about your opinion but do not address it to me.