wow lamea, 10K for a villa! that's almost a small 2 bedroom flat i saw in nearby places.... the new flats that were recently constructed, you would barely have space for a complete sofa set in the sitting room. looks like for a few more hundreds, one could get a villa! what a treat.
but this could also boomerang on employees who are getting a housing allowance, like UKEng said. news will reach our employers and they will reduce our housing allowances. some of our employers are also landlords, so they know that the rents are getting dived.
wow lamea, 10K for a villa! that's almost a small 2 bedroom flat i saw in nearby places.... the new flats that were recently constructed, you would barely have space for a complete sofa set in the sitting room. looks like for a few more hundreds, one could get a villa! what a treat.
but this could also boomerang on employees who are getting a housing allowance, like UKEng said. news will reach our employers and they will reduce our housing allowances. some of our employers are also landlords, so they know that the rents are getting dived.