i've been there last thursday. i spent almost two hours riding on my mt.bike.i started around 1540 to 1720. not so hot actually. i made some stops to rest beside the bush.

i found a lot of signs that there were really people who campd in there, but sad to say, the signs were garbages left behind and broken bottles. not good signs huh! the place is rough, mostly stones, there are few shrubs growing and there are also spots consist of dried mud. those were plain and you can set up your tents in there.

i found a good camp site. it is the biggest plain portion i have seen sorrounded with the bushes.

for trail running it's not really a good plce coz the trails were not really stablished but my friend she used to run there. we're going to do running around november.

for mt. biking it's a nice place i've seen so far.

and for me it's a great place for camping.