Thank you for your point of views

I do not mind paying taxes, which I do anyway, but it does sucks too... Tax avoidance is a natural behavior, I believe that most people do not like paying taxes, one way or another, we all like to avoid the tax man. Unless paying taxes makes you feel good, that is great too, very honorable.

The main reason I wanted to raise these questions are as follows: why is it that GCC countries advertise tax free salaries to expats in attracting foreigners to work for them, when in the end, we are paying taxes either way? (I am gearing this question specific to Canada/US)

If GCC countries had a tax system, negotiate tax treaties with western countries, these revenues would benefit the GCC Countries and used to enhance public programs, etc. Not saying that GCC countries do not have the money to do so already. So, in the end, western countries are getting these tax perks (foreign taxes) from the GCC deep pockets... In a way, it like a free handout from rich Gulf Arabians...

This topic is raised on the matter of tax treatment, US taxes are so different than Canadian. US tax treatment is reasonable for the average "Joe the plumber", like most of us are... US citizens get a some kinda of free income tax bracket (85k or so) where your income is not taxable. Please correct me if I am wrong, it has been a while I have come across this matter.

In Canada, we are taxed nearly 35% to 45% on all income, depending on your tax bracket, the more you make, the more they take... unless I break ties with my home country... That is the sad part. I wish to retain my house as well, but I also wish to have a free income tax bracket... These Canadian policies are not as reasonable, particularly when you want to gain international experience, and on the other hand, your salary is negotiated on a tax free basis??? That is the questionable motive of raising this issue... What do you think? Maybe it is a perspective worth discussing!

Nevertheless, it is interesting topic. Thanks for sharing and reacting to my posting.

P.s. Western countries are founded by people from all over the world, they are truly multi-cultural countries. My mother is a 14th generation french Canadian which came in the 1690's, and sweated and fought wars on this land since, as for My father, an Egyptian University professor, who came to Canada in the 1960's, becoming part of the cultural fabric of the nation.

It is sad to see that some people think that immigrants who goes to western countries, is just for passports and money... Who can blame them, we do not live in a world where we are all equal... and, on the other hand, we all dream of a better future, no matter where we are from. It not all about passports and greed, but about opportunities, families building homes and countries, and cultural diversity that is now globalized.

On the other hand, I can understand why some people return to the middle east after getting a passport, experience or studies, because life is rough out there, lots of drugs, guns and gangs, costly education and medical care, particularly in the US.

As for myself, I came to the middle east not for better salary, and to assume that is the main reason why most people go to the middle east is simplistic at best. The main reason for me is when I will have children, they will learn Islamic traditions, Arabic language and a unique cultural experience away from deprivation of the west where teenagers think of sex at 10, whereas here, teenagers has a chance to live in freedom from peer pressure of the flesh.


Nadine, ;)