Mandi: It is in no way illegal; you are still paying your taxes, although at a rate you deem much fairer to you. Is it logical to pay 45%+ tax rate for services you cannot use? I think not!! U choose how much the govt should know,p and pay according to that, there is nothing illegal about this.
Lusitano: I am an Arab and a Muslim first and foremost. Living in canada and interacting with people from all over the world and from different backgrounds helped shape me and make me a better person for sure, but what i am and what my papers say are two very, very different things. I do not feel the need to 'act' canadian; my papers may say whatever they want to say, the fact remains that you cannot buy a culture and a religion, but you definitely can buy a citizenship.
I think i would have a better view of Canada if i was not treated like shit by them; working since the age of 17 and paying taxes since 18, i tried to get unemployment insurance at the age of 24 after being laid off, and i was denied. All of my taxes go to pay some refugee who will have kids who will rob me when im older, or go to a white canadian that chose to do jack all while i studied and worked my ass off. Yea, thank you canada :) be fair to me and i will be fair back.
Mandi: It is in no way illegal; you are still paying your taxes, although at a rate you deem much fairer to you. Is it logical to pay 45%+ tax rate for services you cannot use? I think not!! U choose how much the govt should know,p and pay according to that, there is nothing illegal about this.
Lusitano: I am an Arab and a Muslim first and foremost. Living in canada and interacting with people from all over the world and from different backgrounds helped shape me and make me a better person for sure, but what i am and what my papers say are two very, very different things. I do not feel the need to 'act' canadian; my papers may say whatever they want to say, the fact remains that you cannot buy a culture and a religion, but you definitely can buy a citizenship.
I think i would have a better view of Canada if i was not treated like shit by them; working since the age of 17 and paying taxes since 18, i tried to get unemployment insurance at the age of 24 after being laid off, and i was denied. All of my taxes go to pay some refugee who will have kids who will rob me when im older, or go to a white canadian that chose to do jack all while i studied and worked my ass off. Yea, thank you canada :) be fair to me and i will be fair back.