[quote]: "upon arriving here, another contract comes out with all the exploitations in it and thats the time your government approves it not knowing the real aggreement."
This is out of your own imagination.. Government not knowing? Get your facts from Labour Dept. pls. I'm an emplyoer and I know how things go..
About housing labourers yes some employers are greedy they provide very indecent accommodation to insure bigger profit margins but the government is working on this issue.. Note though that there are no homeless ppl in Qatar among labourers..
I'm not defending inflicting misery.. but put things in the right perspective..
[quote]: "upon arriving here, another contract comes out with all the exploitations in it and thats the time your government approves it not knowing the real aggreement."
This is out of your own imagination.. Government not knowing? Get your facts from Labour Dept. pls. I'm an emplyoer and I know how things go..
About housing labourers yes some employers are greedy they provide very indecent accommodation to insure bigger profit margins but the government is working on this issue.. Note though that there are no homeless ppl in Qatar among labourers..
I'm not defending inflicting misery.. but put things in the right perspective..