You debate honey for a purpose. To convince, to change, to clarify, to clear misconceptions..etc.
What is the puropse of telling expats we have internal problems? Is your purpose bad publicity? Then go ahead do it but don't tell me that you're helping the society improve! It's irrelevant..
Yes we have problems.. If you want them changed go to Qataris.. They are the ones who can change!
Debating 101:
You debate honey for a purpose. To convince, to change, to clarify, to clear misconceptions..etc.
What is the puropse of telling expats we have internal problems? Is your purpose bad publicity? Then go ahead do it but don't tell me that you're helping the society improve! It's irrelevant..
Yes we have problems.. If you want them changed go to Qataris.. They are the ones who can change!