It is quite clear that it is difficult for some to understand the dynamics of legalized prostitution and drugs.
No matter where you go, you will always find prostitution and drugs. Here in Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and I have even seen it in Kuwait. Some prefer to close their eyes and pretend like the problem does not exist as it conflicts with their convictions and their culture.
QatariLady, I understand your stance and why you fight against trying to understand the benefits of such arrangements. It is a bit of a village-mentality which we also see among people of certain religious denominations of the Catholic and Protestant Churches. Reality can however not be denied, denying it would make you directly responsible for the suffering of hundreds and hundreds of females. It exists, it can not be stopped, it needs to be monitored and once monitored it becomes much easier to battle criminality.
It is quite clear that it is difficult for some to understand the dynamics of legalized prostitution and drugs.
No matter where you go, you will always find prostitution and drugs. Here in Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and I have even seen it in Kuwait. Some prefer to close their eyes and pretend like the problem does not exist as it conflicts with their convictions and their culture.
QatariLady, I understand your stance and why you fight against trying to understand the benefits of such arrangements. It is a bit of a village-mentality which we also see among people of certain religious denominations of the Catholic and Protestant Churches. Reality can however not be denied, denying it would make you directly responsible for the suffering of hundreds and hundreds of females. It exists, it can not be stopped, it needs to be monitored and once monitored it becomes much easier to battle criminality.