Thanks for your interest I am still at set up stages so for the moment am just looking for people to join before I committee to renting a hall to teach in. The cost will be minimal because I am doing it for pleasure and not profit.
Irish dancing is a big part of my life and I didn’t want to give it all up just because I was moving from Ireland to Doha.
I wont be in Doha until mid September so I cant advise at moment were it will be held until I get there and see the number of people that are interested in joining that is why I but the notice up on Qatar Living to see what the response would be like so If you want me to keep you up dated drop me an email on [email protected] and I will keep you up dated…If not please keep an eye on Qatar Living
Once again thank you and I am looking forward to meeting you and please feel free to pass on to all your friends.