Many people have been sharing their thoughts on the Pearl and ZigZag. I dont think any one place is going to appeal to 100% everyone but I looked at ZigZag and as long as you get seaside any of the 2 towers it was pretty nice. The pools are quite large, fitness facility will be relatively large as well, people density will be low, the shopping mall and atrium look to be excellent. Shops all indoors unlike the Pearl which is appreciated 6 months of the year. No balconies for those who like that though. That didnt bother me, outdoor piazza is enough. And you just purchase how big you want by the square meter. . Best is maintenance fees thus far have been mentioned to be quite reasonable, and more certain than the Pearl. That alone is a huge concern that beats the calamity with surcharges and developer fees going on at the Pearl. That circus is still playing out with uncertainty there. I was not concerned as much about price of the property as with developer connection and maintenance fees. These fees at the Pearl just have the appearance of being totally out of control right now. How can you feel good about purchasing there when you dont have confidence about exposure to extortionate fees. ZigZag everything(even the aircon) is upfront, certain and all-inclusive which is the way it should be. No surprises there in my experience.