Arien the list has no end:

- more than 300,000 iraqis killed and wounded since 2003 (according to Declaration of human rights and Geneva Conventions, US is responsible for the safety of iraqis under US occupancy)

-thousands of iraqis imprisoned and tortured. (Abou ghraib is an example, violations of Geneva conventions for prisoners of war )

-millions if iraqis were forced to leave their country and fled away to syria, iran,turkey, etccc .

I think the US givernments since 1917's (President Wilson) should be trialed. they should be trialed for bombing Hiroshima in 1945, for putting Cuba under siege since 1959, for interviening in the Korean War 1950's, for the war of Vietnam, for supporting the Terrorist state of Israel since 1948, for killing innocent women and children in afghanistan and iraq, supporting illegal governments and dictators (Suddam Hussein was their Ally !),,,,

If we want to talk about the criminality and brutality of the US governemts , it will be a very very long list