ummjake... I agree with you. I really do, and phoenix2009... I am sure if you asked most real citizens in Europe - the ones whose families have been there for generation and are a real part of the culture - they are not really happy with how easy it is for anyone to put their hands on an EU passport.

I do think if you are not happy respecting the place you live at, just go away. I might not agree with LOADS of things that are part of qatari culture, but i respect it all. I dont scream and yell about somethings I see happening here, I dont demand having a decent church that looks like a church and has a big cross for me to go to... I respect even the habits that I dont agree with.

And I dont see many non uslins doing a big song and dance about it either. We know how they live here, we came here because this place needs expats, we are here for a little while and then go home... the few ones who for some reason like this place enough to live here long term stay here and you dont hear them going on about having to adjust...

the ones like me, well... when I have enough I leave. As simple as that. If muslins are not happy in a non muslin country, I am sure muslin countries will welcome them all.