@s_isale -

Yes, I am able to move my kids to another school.

And yes, I have tried (along with others I know) to point out issues to multiple "active" members of management.

If you have read this thread carefully, me and others are reporting issues where members of management (and others in administrative positions) are giving up after losing hope for any sort of improvement. If talking to any one member of management changed things, we would not have this thread !

Most importantly, what you are suggesting is in many ways to be selfish, taking care of "my" kids alone. I am sorry that you do not see the "social impact" of attempting to improve the situation, for the sake of a large number of students and their parents.

I am trying to do what my meager self can attempt, given the circumstances. I can always take the short-cut, but there are larger issues that need to be addressed (that are way above "me").

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