I stay 5 days in Dubai and when I come back to Doha immediately at airport I feel negative energy, primitive behaviors, rude people, crazy drivers and I come home stressed...
after so nice relax in Dubai.

I understand that here is more then 100 different nationality's but what is too much is too much.

In Dubai I feel more respect, more gentle people and never never feel one negative thing...Ye sits just 5 days but this is true.

At airport I will not allow people who don't have any basic culture, any minimum behaviors in social environment to enter country before they didn't make at least few days course of nice, respect behavior at town.

I know you cant change primitive peasant who never see town, never have any connections with city people but at least minimum must be...MUST BE MINIMUM SOCIAL CULTURE>

So sorry nothing personal or against any one but I feel sick of Qatar and I leave this country who going to collapse in primitive behaviors...

p.s. at airport more then 100 people waiting hour or more to enter...then come some Qatari and pass at all line of course untill this things happen Qatar is slavery country. WHy he dont wont to wait like others?
He call someone and pick them out from line. NO WAY.
Untill is like this Duck of Qatar and respect.