- “I’m leaving. Do you want me to go tonight or tomorrow?”
- “Life is too short to make mistakes.”
- “Music is just more important to me than you are. But I love you so, so much as a friend.”
- I undoubtedly did love you, but those feelings got worn down over time with the way our relationship went. I don’t blame you at all for what happened, but think it was one of those things where we drifted apart for all sorts of reasons, including your illness, and the pressure of supporting you through various crisises.”
- “I just cant live with the pathetic tickles that you call ’sexual thrusts’ anymore.”
- “Sorry, you’re not the one”.
- “Maybe we have too much in common. We are too much alike.”
- “I don’t want you to feel like I’m breaking up with you. I just can’t be in a relationship with you anymore.”
- “I know it took me two years to finally get you out on a date, but now I’m feeling tied down…”
- “I would rather live in my car and be a drug addict than spend another moment with you.”
- “I really like you, you’re a lovely woman and we have great fun – you’re just not a long-term prospect.”
"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, tolerant of the weak. Someday you will have been all of these."
- “I’m leaving. Do you want me to go tonight or tomorrow?”
- “Life is too short to make mistakes.”
- “Music is just more important to me than you are. But I love you so, so much as a friend.”
- I undoubtedly did love you, but those feelings got worn down over time with the way our relationship went. I don’t blame you at all for what happened, but think it was one of those things where we drifted apart for all sorts of reasons, including your illness, and the pressure of supporting you through various crisises.”
- “I just cant live with the pathetic tickles that you call ’sexual thrusts’ anymore.”
- “Sorry, you’re not the one”.
- “Maybe we have too much in common. We are too much alike.”
- “I don’t want you to feel like I’m breaking up with you. I just can’t be in a relationship with you anymore.”
- “I know it took me two years to finally get you out on a date, but now I’m feeling tied down…”
- “I would rather live in my car and be a drug addict than spend another moment with you.”
- “I really like you, you’re a lovely woman and we have great fun – you’re just not a long-term prospect.”
"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, tolerant of the weak. Someday you will have been all of these."