@s_isale - You don't have to be Einstein to figure out that any website/forum will attain critical mass after some time. Until then, whoever starts it posts information on it

1) To keep it active
2) To show people what is being discussed (the range of topics).
3) To make others comfortable with discussing a subject which is in general difficult for people to discuss.

So yes, I am doing exactly that... and you can shoot me for that ! And I will do the same back to you when it has reached critical mass. Already people are beginning to comment on what they feel should be changed for the good of the school. And it is not as if these are any big secrets.

So go on with your efforts to discredit this effort, while I go on trying to see if active feedback can change the tide. Take my word for it, I will continue with this, and I am well aware that there will always be skeptics like you. But I see more people who care about the school, and want to see an MES of yester years. This is one such effort, others are even now trying in person.

Heck, when the head of vodafone was on QL defending his company, admitting mistakes and taking corrective steps, it is my right to dream on !