If QAWS & Dogs in Doha didn't look after the animals in Qatar - who would? We help the animals in whatever country we are in. I've even helped animals whilst I have been on holiday. There is no YOURS and OURS. You bleat on about racial segregation, why can we not just help all and any animal that needs us?
If you think the animals in this country (or Egypt) are OK then you need to open your eyes and have a good look around. Actually read the article in the opening post that tells of a blind dog abandoned in a metal shopping trolley in the midday sun. Why should I help someone who is cruel and evil enough to do that? We're here to try and stop things like this happening.
I don't deny there are thousands of people that need help. We all do our bit for humans as well - but our focus in Qatar is to help the thousands of animals that need us.
QAWS is not our job - it's something we do because we want to, in our spare time. Some people collect stamps - we rescue animals. I'm sure you spend hours every day helping people, like we each spend helping animals.
We are proud to be a member of WSPA and we are greatful to the hundreds of people in Qatar that support us and help us rescue animals.
If QAWS & Dogs in Doha didn't look after the animals in Qatar - who would? We help the animals in whatever country we are in. I've even helped animals whilst I have been on holiday. There is no YOURS and OURS. You bleat on about racial segregation, why can we not just help all and any animal that needs us?
If you think the animals in this country (or Egypt) are OK then you need to open your eyes and have a good look around. Actually read the article in the opening post that tells of a blind dog abandoned in a metal shopping trolley in the midday sun. Why should I help someone who is cruel and evil enough to do that? We're here to try and stop things like this happening.
I don't deny there are thousands of people that need help. We all do our bit for humans as well - but our focus in Qatar is to help the thousands of animals that need us.
QAWS is not our job - it's something we do because we want to, in our spare time. Some people collect stamps - we rescue animals. I'm sure you spend hours every day helping people, like we each spend helping animals.
We are proud to be a member of WSPA and we are greatful to the hundreds of people in Qatar that support us and help us rescue animals.