or buying designer bags shouldn't be a reason to attack someone or even turn up your nose. But there is a lot of jealousy in human nature and right now the economic crises intensifies that. Londoners have never been fond of having their city taken over by tourists who can enjoy the things many locals can't afford to, but that's life, right? Besides, we've always been a bit snobby about "new wealth" and "old money" and maybe it's time we had our nose rubbed in it a bit to make us get down off our self-styled pedestal. ;)

I think we're also experiencing second thoughts about selling off so much of our real estate and "heritage", although it has been necessary to remain solvent. Still, it's bound to concern many and we'll see more articles like this.

I'll have to be sure to head over knightbridge when I am in London next week to chek out the cars. Maybe I'll run into some of my colleagues from work ;)