Assuming that your submission is genuine and not faecious, then cudos to you Jimnet for your honest assessment of your own. Whilst not wishing to be accused of over generalisation, I concur with your initial statement but would caution that the Qatari youth are far from being the worse behaved in the world - so dont feel the need to be overly critical.

As far as your stance on the driving of nationals is concerned, well we have a saying in the Uk - "P.ssing in the wind" - I feel that it will be a cold day in hell before a lot of Qatari's adhere to the "rules" you mention above and before I am accused of National bashing - we all know what Jimnet is saying is true but its been done to death and death again on QL so no need to go there again - the latest "whistle blowing" invitation has about as much future in inhibiting the driving habits of nationals as a puddle in the desert. It is what it is and we all have to deal with the ignorance.