Like one of my friends always use to say, the best way to make the English bend over backwards and serve your cause is to call him 'racist' for not supporting what you want. The 'White Man's Guilt' syndrome fuelling the PC brigade.

Its definitely time to take a stand or witness the empire (or the country rather) being taken over by the erstwhile colonies. Poetic Justice? I dont think so. You cant avenge history.

Btw, i still cant understand what prevents UK's Internal revenue/Income Tax dept from tracking such money sent abroad to targets who are supposedly under the intelligence radar. Probably its sent under the guise of 'aid'? Whoever believes that money sent to Afpak under whatever name wont be used for terrorist activities has their heads buried deep under.

Only thing anyone can do for Afpak is to seal their boundaries to the outer world and let things boil over and explode and perhaps afterwards go with a brush n broom to wipe the spill. no amount of aid is going to do the trick; its only gonna worsen the problem.

But then, the armaments industry still needs to survive, doesnt it?