well Nic i know it sounds stupid to say Diversity of riligious beliefs is problamatic in a democratic environment.. but that really applies to tribal and 3rd world countries not in places like Europ and the US. In here, religion drive politics and democracy is pretty much politically driven. Moslims, Jews, Christians believe Jerusalem is their holly place and they each want it!..Any Moslim who thinks peace is a solution is considered a traitor by most islamic groups... So, picture a palastine-israel future state with democracy and freedome of speach granted. You wanna tell me Islamic groups who believe killing a jew takes you to heaven or Israeli extremeists who want israel free of arabs will all just quit their efforts, hug eachother and start singing and dancing?
another great example is Lebanon. It is the only place in all that region with democracy... hahaha more than 20 religious sects with opposing goals, unfortunately they are all given a green light to kill each other, mislead the public through their privately owned media channels which is per opinion and last but not least contribute in lies that goes written in history text books where students study it and write exams about its content without proper governance... thanks to demcracy
democracy is like a very powerful weapon.. amazing to have but the misuse could be costly and many are just not ready for it..
well Nic i know it sounds stupid to say Diversity of riligious beliefs is problamatic in a democratic environment.. but that really applies to tribal and 3rd world countries not in places like Europ and the US. In here, religion drive politics and democracy is pretty much politically driven. Moslims, Jews, Christians believe Jerusalem is their holly place and they each want it!..Any Moslim who thinks peace is a solution is considered a traitor by most islamic groups... So, picture a palastine-israel future state with democracy and freedome of speach granted. You wanna tell me Islamic groups who believe killing a jew takes you to heaven or Israeli extremeists who want israel free of arabs will all just quit their efforts, hug eachother and start singing and dancing?
another great example is Lebanon. It is the only place in all that region with democracy... hahaha more than 20 religious sects with opposing goals, unfortunately they are all given a green light to kill each other, mislead the public through their privately owned media channels which is per opinion and last but not least contribute in lies that goes written in history text books where students study it and write exams about its content without proper governance... thanks to demcracy
democracy is like a very powerful weapon.. amazing to have but the misuse could be costly and many are just not ready for it..