the only who doesnot have problems is we being human have to face problems in life but it dosenot mean that we are destined to a suffering matter how dark a night may be the sun will shine in the must thank god for giving you this life and creating you in HIS image....90% of the things that happen to you may not be in your control but what matters is how you react to every situation....i walk my talk and i lead my life with this know what you should do just write down all your problems on a piece of paper and then look at it and smile sarcastically as if you don't care and then burnt it and flush it down the toilet in GOD as he never leaves you and especially during hard times he makes sure that he carries you on his shoulders through the fire...god bless you dear...
the only who doesnot have problems is we being human have to face problems in life but it dosenot mean that we are destined to a suffering matter how dark a night may be the sun will shine in the must thank god for giving you this life and creating you in HIS image....90% of the things that happen to you may not be in your control but what matters is how you react to every situation....i walk my talk and i lead my life with this know what you should do just write down all your problems on a piece of paper and then look at it and smile sarcastically as if you don't care and then burnt it and flush it down the toilet in GOD as he never leaves you and especially during hard times he makes sure that he carries you on his shoulders through the fire...god bless you dear...