If you are thinking about putting your children into cedars tutorial centre i would not do it as a long term thing, it is ALOT of money and very little in return to show for it. My children went there for quite a long period of time and made no progress. We removed them and home schooled them and within 2 weeks of being with their new teacher we found out one of our children is dyslexic (we had an assesment done) this should have been picked up at Cedars! I have also heard that it does not have a license and i have also heard quite a few bad things about the centre from many people. Its a shame as my children really took to a few of the teachers there but as the class had special needs children (which is a good thing but unfortunately the teacher had no support) i felt that my children were overlooked. It's ok for SHORT term but i really would find other schools that offer far more for less money. Really regret leaving my children in there as long as we did as we were told they had got about a year behind! Dont make the same mistake as us!!!!!!!!!!