Hey Cupid - sure you gave your opinion. I gave mine. What's wrong with that. The problem I have with yours is that I think it is incorrect and doesnt make sense. 


You say "but seriously Catholics are following the new testament of the bible not the old testament of it."


That's not true - they follow the Bible. If that werent the case then the 10 commandments and all the biblical stories of the old testament would be thrown out of christian teaching. I havent seen a bible that has the old testament removed. Please enlighten me if you have. 


So which on "God's" instructions as raised by the Dr has been superceded accoring to you by the new testament?? In fact there are 613 commands in the old testament. Are they all superceded???


You opened yourself up to admitting you bilieve in a "God". However when I ask you to elaborate on this a bit more you convenietley ignore it. What's your problem - embarassed???