Blue! am totally agree with you, this is range of complex phones, but it doesn't mean that can't b handled ! but mean time they are not like Nokia or Samsung.I got IP4s as a gift also,well its unique in design and rich as of application, features are remarkable, touch system is superb, but mean time there are some issues like its integration with other device say like ,blue tooth, and most important that we can't transfer our files directly if connected via usb, we have to use a software.These are some very basic facts which forced me to think that iphone is only amazing but its not as what called"User Friendly" as compared to Market's Biggest hit of all time "NOKIA".Say its like Apple's Mac system , no matters its not common as windows operating systems and versions which are widely used and liked by many because of being user friendly.
In the End i gave the phone back to my friend and took Samsung Galaxy S2 which she was using.At least better of common market standards.