Your salary only should be roughly 1.2 or 1.3 times your current salary.
Ignore the benefits in your calculations. They are designed to make life livable and are hard to equate. For example, rent on my villa is the equivalent of 65,000 pounds a year. I cannot fathom spending that on rent anywhere else, and so considering it as part of my regular renumeration is ridiculous.
So based on what you've written, the offer is too low from a financial standpoint.
Your salary only should be roughly 1.2 or 1.3 times your current salary.
Ignore the benefits in your calculations. They are designed to make life livable and are hard to equate. For example, rent on my villa is the equivalent of 65,000 pounds a year. I cannot fathom spending that on rent anywhere else, and so considering it as part of my regular renumeration is ridiculous.
So based on what you've written, the offer is too low from a financial standpoint.