Doha chap: muddying the waters much??

And, just so you know, it wasn't the media who were fabricating the reports: it was the people in power providing them. Media reports the facts as we understand and fact check them. At the time, that is what was believed to be true, and the reporters reported it as such. I think you're lumping ALL media in with pundits, opinions, and talk shows, and heaping all the blame on the media.

Also, this IS NOT a thread about whether or not media 'lies'. It's a thread about a horrible thing that happened that the officials in the UAE are happy to ignore, and about the clear status of women in this region.

Methinks you don't want to believe this jordinian did this, but you don't want to blame the maid as you KNOW you'd get slammed for it. So you blame the big bad media instead. If you don't believe the boss raped his maid, jsut say it.