I went to the Florida Tech in Melbourne Beach Florida, I was an avaition major- well right outside of Melbourne was nothing but mormom owned cattle ranches, and in the cow crap a special mushroom grows and if you eat it it makes you feel really good. We'd occiasionaly hunt for that special mushroom and one time we had to trespass through numerous fields to get to the little treasures..We found'em, we ate em, and we started rolling real hard, I mean we were trippin our brains out. People usually get paranoid on acid but I usually got to feeling like some kind of god when I ate them. Well on the way back to the truck I wanted to cut through some fields to get home, nobody else wanted to so I went on my own because the shortcut would shave miles off the journey and it was hot, and we had no water left. So hot I was just wearin a swimsuit and flop flops and carried my shirt. I went though a few fields af cows and id stop and chat with them along the way, they were all very friendly and calm..In the last feild I came across a little herd right in the middle of a field...I'm talking to them as I walk by and suddenly the herd opens up and there he is, the biggest angriest bull I ever saw in my life..It's just me and him and he's snortin, and he's pawin the ground. Here I am- eyes buggin out, higher than an F-ing Kite and a mile from the nearest fence, tree or anything remotly resembling cover from this monster in front of me,

To be continue'd..My daughter just brought me a breakfest plate..