I may accept that some religions were driving people backwards, for example the catholic church had a council to determine whether or not women had a soul and that impacted the entire Europe, as result of that, people decided on seperating the religion from the state and it was a good way out of darnkness, while if you look at approximat. 620 AD is the time that the Prophet Mohamed was sent to the most backward people in the world with the message of god, 20 years after that, he managed to transform nomads living in the Arabian peninsula to be the super power with true justice in political, economical, social, etc.fronts and they were wondering why would the earth orbit the Sun, for example, Ibn Rushd he expalined with Sceintific reasoning the sonspots, while in the same time he was an islamic philosopher and was specilizing in astronomy, however, if you look at the last 400 years or so, when Muslims parted from their religion they actually went back to the dark days.