if ure under husband visa then u will need the following:
1 Copy of corporate identity card
2 a passport copy with valid RP
3 Copies of translated and officially stamped educational certificates. A copy of the medical license for doctors and nurses.
4 copy of current sponsor's ID card
5 previous permit
6 a copy of the attested employment contract
7 personal photograph.
and i agree with LP in case the current company is ure sponsor
if ure under husband visa then u will need the following:
1 Copy of corporate identity card
2 a passport copy with valid RP
3 Copies of translated and officially stamped educational certificates. A copy of the medical license for doctors and nurses.
4 copy of current sponsor's ID card
5 previous permit
6 a copy of the attested employment contract
7 personal photograph.
and i agree with LP in case the current company is ure sponsor