I never ceased to be amazed at how such simple threads degenerate into claims of racism and attacks on expats and locals. Yes, let's stick our heads in the sand and declare that the trash in the park is a conspiracy to make Qataris look bad; or pointing out the trash on the beach is an insult and tantamount to racism (never mind that Qataris are amongst the most multi-racial nationalities on earth).

Who cares who makes the mess? Qatar is awash with trash from people who litter. It makes the beaches, parks, etc. look worse. The wind doesn't help, but the real problem is that people are too lazy to walk to a garbage can. They don't have enough respect for the country to keep it reasonably tidy; or they live is such a bubble that they think they are too important to tend to their own trash.

Why not discuss how to solve the problem? My solution is severe fines and a night in jail for people repeatedly caught littering. Such measures have been very effective in countries and regions that have implemented them.